Thursday, May 2, 2013

Public Houses

Mommy and me. Do you (Moms) ever go out with your kids to get a pint of Guinness or a glass of wine because if you didn't then you never would go out? That's where I'm at in our daily routine. My daughter gets tired of being in the house and, rain or shine, she still has to get out to a different location of almost any kind. And that's what public houses are for; or pubs if you like.

My husband is always joking that one of the very first places our daughter was taken out to was a pub. It's the only place that will serve me, back then a new mom, a pint of Guinness, let anyone I'm with have a drink and something to eat and not bat an eye about my baby being there with me. It's great! I can meet other moms and tots there, just have a family outing or, when circumstances allow, I can even go there for a bit of alone time.

American bars and taverns don't let you do this. To be in their establishment you have to be 21 or older and without your kids. A place like Kells on Post Alley or Wilde Rover's in Kirkland are great places to go when Mommy needs a drink but has the kid with her too. The Guinness will be served too cold but the two places I mentioned before do know how to pour and that's very important too.

It's a shame there aren't more places for moms to go with their kids than just these designated places. But leave it to the NW Islanders to know how to help a girl out; even if it is unintentional.

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